Partners Include

Casualty Actuarial Society

New York School of Interior Design

Princeton Theological Seminary

Trinity Law School

New England Conservatory

Graduate Management Admission Council

Department of Justice

Fusion Academy
Become Informed!
People with disabilities add strength to our world and help create a diverse and thriving environment. With that said, seeking partnership from experts in the field is indispensable when considering the complexities that may be present when supporting and working with individuals with disabilities. With 30 years in the field of advocating for individuals with disabilities, Dr. Jorgenson is eager to help you navigate appropriate, reasonable, and compliant inclusion practices in the K-12, higher education or workplace setting. Please continue to browse and learn more about the services offered.
Providing teachers and school district administrators with the tools needed to address the complex needs of students with disabilities
Provide consultation to faculty, staff and administrators on disability related services, supports and training to best serve the diverse population of those with disabilities.
Consultation to federal and local government and private sector/corporate on a wide variety of topics related to disability in the workplace
Personalized support and guidance with navigating the complexities associated with having a child with a disability
Personalized support and guidance with navigating the complexities associated with having a disability as an adult
What others say about my work
I’m currently a student at Temple University. My dad contacted Dr. Linn Jorgenson after hearing of her qualifications and her personality. Linn and I started working over the phone in the Spring semester after I was falling behind. Just over the phone, I was able to tell how helpful, personable, and kind she is. She has become one of my personal cheerleaders balancing discipline and encouragement.
Linn makes sure that I am on top of things and she helps me to remember to celebrate my achievements and accept/learn from any setbacks. Since our transition from phone to zoom, and academics to the work environment, she has been the exact right person I needed. May 2020
As an adult, it is very hard to stay engaged during professional development modules, but Dr. Jorgenson’s delivery of her material was easy to stay focused and involved. I would recommend a longer session, as 3 hours was not long enough and I felt that she had a lot more to say.
I sought Linn Jorgenson’s advice when my husband and I were debating which high school would best serve my daughter’s needs and how that decision might impact her choice of colleges. My daughter was diagnosed with dyslexia in third grade and was receiving accommodations through the public school system. While performing well in school, some standardized testing continued to be a problem. Linn’s advice as a professional and as a parent was very valuable in our decision-making process for the immediate future, as well as our longer term planning. I would recommend her to other families and friend of mine.
One of the things that makes consultation from Dr. Jorgenson so great is that she is likable, approachable, and just human – people in her training courses feel comfortable with her, and so they are not afraid to ask the ethically-challenging questions that we all need answered. The breadth of her knowledge is incredible, and she is fantastic about providing real life examples to illustrate complex concepts. I am particularly impressed with how she engages people to create interactive environments, and how she adapts fact-based presentations to meet the needs of the group or setting.