Personal, Individualized Solutions
Promoting positive space for which everyone can thrive and achieve to their fullest potential.
Providing teachers and school district administrators with the tools needed to address the complex needs of students with disabilities
• Train faculty on inclusive practices
• Work with general and special education teachers on how to collaborate most effectively
• Teach classroom basics on how to include people with disabilities
• Provide etiquette training for: Elementary, middle and high school curriculum
• Provide strategies for co-teaching
• Provide classroom management tool kits for managing complex students
• Mediate difficult relationships among teachers, faculty and families related to the special education system
• Provide guidance related to transition services and the needs of students exiting K-12
• Utilize Universal Design for all purposes related to events, curriculum and physical space
• Provide guidance on determining proper level of support: Over, under, just right
• Navigating Autism in the classroom and beyond
• Co-teaching: How do we do this and maximize potential
• Preparing for college: Making a smooth transition
• Residential life: Where am I going to live and with whom?
• Team building for those new or old to the special education field
• Customized training based on individual needs K-12 Public/private school system
• Provide best practices for managing the IEP/504 process
• Navigating and mediating a difficult parent/teacher relationship
• Stretching resources to meet the demands presented