Personal, Individualized Solutions
Promoting positive space for which everyone can thrive and achieve to their fullest potential.
Consultation to federal and local government and private sector/corporate on a wide variety of topics related to disability in the workplace
- ADA compliance
- How to maximize resources related to employees with disabilities
- Disability Etiquette- How do we talk about this and what is off limits
- Myths associated with employing individuals with disability
- Accessibility to begin with- how to build an environment for all
- Facilitating inclusive work space
- Accommodations- what’s fair and what’s not
- Service/Emotional support animals in the work place
- Bringing the strengths of employees to the workplace
- Navigating challenging employee learning/interpersonal styles
- Autism and success in the workplace
- Assist with HR related practices for those with disabilities
- Hiring officials- what do you need to know
- Are you in compliance? ADA checklist
- Concerned about an employee’s performance- let’s consult
- Building an inclusive work place- diversity is for all
- Hiring practices and retention of employees with disabilities